Effect of meldronate “meldonium” on the recovery process after physical activity


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Nowadays, sports are a part of life. Doing physical activity, each of us fills ourselves with energy, which helps to achieve good results in the future. Doing sports is one of the main factors of normal life. It is impossible for an organism which is exposed to hard physical activity not to regenerate itself (the process is as important as training). The most common means for the body to recover from exertion are: proper nutrition, sleep, meditation, etc. Unfortunately, the bigger the load, the harder it is to recover, so many professionals use biomedical remedies.

Mildronate is the most affordable choice, which is well known by representatives of various sports. The drug was invented in the mid-1970s in Latvia. In the beginning, the task of Mildronate was to control the growth of plants, animals, and poultry. After a while, beginning in 1984, the drug was allowed for use in medicine. This drug was not considered a doping, it could be used without fear of disqualification (currently, in accordance with the international anti-doping law, the drug was included in the banned list on September 16, 2015, with the beginning of validity from January 1, 2016, the reasons are being clarified). As a consequence, it was the most common.

The active ingredient in mildronate is meldonium, a metabolic agent that normalizes the energy metabolism of cells. Metabolism (from the Greek metabole – transformation) – metabolism, i.e. the transformation of certain elements within cells from their entry to the formation of end products. Metabolism has two sides: plastic and energy metabolism. Plastic metabolism is based on synthesis reactions involving ATP, which results in the synthesis of substances necessary for the cell (this metabolism includes, for example, protein biosynthesis). Energy metabolism is based on reactions of breakdown of complex substances with release of energy (ATP is stored) and includes 3 stages: preparatory, oxygen, oxygen-free.

Why has this particular drug become so attractive to athletes? What is the help of this drug, and how does it affect the recovery process after physical exertion?

To begin with, we need to understand what the recovery process is.

Fatigue is a normal state of the body, characterized by a temporary decrease in performance, warning that it is desirable to change your regime, to allow yourself a little rest. The main reason for the development of fatigue is the decline of the potential of the organism (whose capabilities are individual) under excessive demands. When performing physical loads, the performance capacity is determined by the ratio of the processes of fatigue and further recovery. The process that occurs in the body after the completion of work. The main task is to return the body to the state that was characteristic before the performance of physical activity. As soon as the load is over, there comes a period called the recovery period, its role is to revive the altered functions of organs, organ systems and energy resources of the body. Recovery after cessation of work is quite fast, then slows down. We must not forget about the individual performance of each person. This process does not occur simultaneously. First the respiratory function is restored, then the pulse rate, etc. There is also a decreased capacity for work, and due to the recovery processes can reach not only the initial level, but also exceed it.

The drug “Mildronate” – a drug that helps cells more quickly adapt to energy starvation (we know, if the body does not cope with strong influences on it, there is a state of overstress – stress, and this can lead to various consequences, including death); improves metabolism (metabolic processes in immune cells come back to normal, and this helps strengthen the protective potential of the body). Minimizes the accumulation of toxic products. Of course, stamina increases significantly, which is important during physical activity, because the body expends a large amount of fatty acids (these are organic compounds that enter the body with natural fats, vegetable or animal origin).

Mildronate is able to protect heart muscle cells from oxygen deficiency. There is a balance between the flow of oxygen to the tissues and the cells’ need for it; the body’s resistance to stress increases, exhaustion passes, there is an increase in blood flow, and the process of cell death slows down. Under the action of the drug, the heart muscle is able to contract more forcefully and infrequently, expanding the tolerance of the cardiac muscle loads. In addition, the drug protects the brain cells from all kinds of influences, for example, in case of cerebral circulation disorders. It also reduces damage to the brain and abnormal reflexes; coordination of movements and vegetative functions improves. It has a favorable effect on the blood vessels. There is a decrease in the level of total cholesterol in the blood plasma.

Of course, there are also contraindications, for example, with chronic liver and kidney disease, it is important to exercise caution, do not take with increased intracranial pressure (with impaired venous outflow, intracranial tumors).

It should be noted that most of the reviews about this remedy are positive, which indicates the effectiveness of the drug. Many people use it for various severe diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, heart failure). Patients (with the aforementioned ailments) say that the drug relieves fatigue, increases endurance and tolerance of physical exertion. Many drug helped to cope with high mental stress, increased performance. Negative reviews are due to the fact that there were no scientific studies of the effect of the drug.

Mildronate-a drug with a unique mechanism of action, which affects many processes in the body, including the restorative (activated energy production from glucose, launched protein expression, increased number of centers that catalyze fatty acid oxidation, i.e. there is an activation of adaptation mechanisms at the genetic level, so great value of the drug for athletes). Of course, one should consult a specialist. But we should not forget about simpler ways to restore the body after physical exertion (cooling, fluid recovery, rest and good sleep).

Use of Mildronate in Sports

Many fans of various sports and healthy lifestyles know about mildronate. The main active ingredient called meldonium was synthesized back in the seventies of the twentieth century. This drug is particularly appreciated by professional athletes for the fact that it is not in the category of doping. It can be taken absolutely legally during competitions.

What effects does meldronate have on human health?

Meldronate-based drugs boast a unique ability to improve metabolism at the cellular level, which helps replenish energy more quickly and eliminate breakdown products from the cells. For fitness enthusiasts, this means accelerated recovery after a workout. The type of exercise does not matter, which is why mildronate is used in all modern sports. Full rest is a guarantee of excellent results during your next visit to the gym.

Form of production and dosage

For oral intake is designed in capsule format, for intravenous injections mildronate is available in ampoules. The second method of ingestion provides a more rapid absorption of the active substance.

Considering that one ampoule volume is five milliliters, an average athlete would need one or two ampoules per day. For oral administration, the average dose is four capsules or one gram. The range of the daily dose is between 0.5 and 2 grams.

Possible adverse health effects

Typical side effects are tachycardia (disturbance of heart rhythm), hypertension (increase in blood pressure) and slightly increased psychomotor excitability. This is why mildronate is recommended to be taken in the first half of the day. In some people, the state of health may remain stable when taking capsules, but the listed phenomena will occur if the drug is taken intravenously.

is the use of Mildronate particularly effective?

Buy the drug is usually recommended to people who prefer intensive fitness training and are very tired at work. In such a rhythm of life, the body does not have time to recover and rest, and a balanced diet and healthy sleep do not solve this problem. Several courses of taking mildronate, which will require about a hundred ampoules, will greatly accelerate the recovery processes, which will allow you to train and work at your chosen pace.

The optimal duration of the course is three to five weeks. Longer use develops resistance to the drug and decreases its effectiveness. Do not forget about sufficient consumption of proteins and carbohydrates, which act as a building material and a source of energy for the human body.

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